Volume 1 Issue 23 9-14-06 (Amended)
Table of Contents for this issue.....
- Authors Comments
- Review of Jim Cockrum’s New Book
- Previously published portion of Issue 23
First, about our vacation. We had a great time in New Braunfels, TX. We have been there many times before, and we knew our way around on the main roads, but now we know a lot of back roads. Linda found a lot of neat shops in those out of the way places.
New Braunfels is known for water sports. There are two rivers that flow through the town and tubing on the rivers is a great sport. If you have never been tubing, it involves renting car or truck inner tubes and floating down the river. We always rent an extra tube for the icebox with the drinks in it. Someone gets the job of shepherding the icebox down the river holding a rope tied to the box tube. What is better on a hot Texas afternoon than lazily floating down the river with your family and friends while drinking your canned beverage of choice?
We also continued our education on kayaking by kayaking down the San Marcos River. It was a great trip on a beautiful river. We both flipped at the same spot while trying to negotiate around a low hanging limb, but we are ready to do it again. I suspect that we will be kayak owners before too long.
The house we rented for the week did not have Internet so I got up early and drove to the local coffee shop where I used the wireless connection for the price of a cup of coffee ($1.50 – Not Starbucks!). (Linda wanted me to be on vacation, so I tried not to spend too much of my vacation on my laptop). From the coffee shop, I accessed the Internet and also remotely logged on my home computer.
As a quick aside. If you are going to be in business online, you will need to have access to your home computer no matter where you go. If you are running Windows XP, these remote features are included in the operating system. Set it up and you can log onto your home computer from any Internet connection. This enables you to use your computer remotely just like you are sitting in front of your own monitor. If you missed the article on remote computing, read about it at http://www.boomer-ezine.com/V1I5_050706.htm.
Another consideration for remote processing is to make certain that your computer does not shut down when you are away. I installed a UPS (no, not the brown truck) on it. An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) will keep the computer running for a period of time if you have power failure. You can buy these refurbished on the Net. I purchased an APC Smart UPS 700 for my computer and it worked well. Our house sitter said that we had severe storms while we were gone which knocked out the electricity. I never lost the use of my computer. The UPS also filters the incoming electricity and protects the computer from lightning strikes.
Review of “The Part Time Plan for Massive Success Using eBay and the Internet”
I previously sent you an email notice that Jim’s new book was published while we were on vacation. Now that we are home, I want to spend more time telling you about it.
Jim Cockrum is truly an eBay genius. That’s all there is to it. In this book he lays out all that a boomer entrepreneur needs to know to do very well on the Internet. His main concentration is to make and sell information products which is something that Linda and I feel are the best products for boomer entrepreneurs to sell. Just think of the strategy this way, you create something once and sell it multiple times rather than scour garage sales for one item and sell it once.
You have heard me preach that as the only member of your organization, you need to multiply your efforts. This is another way to multiply your efforts.
Let’s look at the table of contents and discuss each chapter.
- Chapter 1 “Prove It” is dedicated to Jim proving to you that he is for real and is a credible source. On my first reading, I skipped that paragraph since I know him and have attended the seminar that he and Tim Knox taught. While doing this review, I read Chapter 1 and it is legitimate. I recommend that you take my word for it and skip it.
- Chapter 2 “The Obvious Strategy” covers selling “hard goods” on eBay. This is the way that most people perceive eBay. Find something to sell, post it on eBay, and make a profit on it. The book discusses this and gives tips how to do this well, but this is not the main strategy that the book promotes.
- Chapter 3 “The Not-So-Obvious Strategy” covers the real message of the book. This is where Jim introduces information products as great products to sell on eBay. I like this chapter since my picture appears in it. In fact, the group picture of the Huntsville Tim and Jim class that appears in the book was taken with my camera.
Jim covers the ways to evaluate using eBay to your best advantage. During the Huntsville seminar, he introduced a concept of breaking the eBay relationship into four quadrants, and we discussed this new concept at length. You can use eBay in many different ways in your business and Jim’s quadrant concept helps you determine the best way for your particular business.
- Chapter 4 “Using the Information Strategy” is a long chapter with eight subtopics.
- Topic 4.1 “Quadrant 4 Success” relates back to chapter 3 where Jim dwells deeper into the Quadrant 4 concept. This is for creative people who are not afraid to use eBay as an effective marketing tool.
- Topic 4.2 “Why Information” tells in detail why information products are the very best products to sell on eBay.
- Topic 4.3 “Let’s Find Your Product” gets the creative juices flowing. Jim leads you through many ways to research and find a product to create. This is a very helpful topic since this is where so many people hit the brick wall.
- Topic 4.4 “Before Creating Your Product” gives you a great tip on how to do market research on your product so you do not spend days developing something that no one will buy. Author’s Comment. This is a very common mistake that many people make. They become so enamored with their product that they forget that the object of the exercise is to sell it and make money. When they finally finish their product, no one will buy it. This is wasted time and effort that a little market research would have saved.
- Topic 4.5 “What Sells Well” gives you the tools to determine the keywords for what will sell well. Choose topics that have high keyword searches. This indicates the size of the market for the product.
- Topic 4.6 “Use Info to Sell More Physical Goods” tells how to create info products to help you sell hard goods on eBay if that is your major eBay business model.
- Topic 4.7 “The Back End Strategies” addresses the building of a mailing list from all the people who visit your auctions. This is a must for long term success on the Net.
- Topic 4.8 “The Story of My Best Seller” talks about Jim’s getting started selling his great book “The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay”. He tells how to use ClickBank.com for selling digital products and how he developed his affiliate sales force.
- Chapter 5 “The Tools You’ll Need” starts off with a 17 minute video. You cannot keep from getting excited by what Jim explains in this video. It shows how to set up eBay auctions to automatically sell digital goods, automatically accept payments, automatically deliver the product to the customer, and automatically leave feedback after the sale. This can all be done using PayPal and you do not have to have your own website. This is the business model that I am recommending to all boomer entrepreneurs! Sell and make money and have your own time to enjoy retirement.
- This video is worth the price that you have to pay for the book and it is a fraction of the information that is available in the book.
The rest of the chapter covers the tools that you will need and where to find them. Jim breaks each tool down into Do It Yourself, Do It Yourself with a Little Help ($), Or Pay Someone Else to Do It ($$).
The tools are Product Creation, PDF Creation (deliver your typed digital product in PDF format), Creation of eBook cover, Editing your product, Website creation, Autoresponder creation, Taking payments when selling on eBay, Taking payments when selling on your own website, Product delivery after an eBay sale, Product delivery after a sale from a website, Customer support. This is extremely valuable information. You decide how you want to handle a particular function and Jim tells you how to do it or where to hire the help to get it done. - Chapter 6 “Tips for Selling Info Products on eBay” give you eighteen great tips about improving your listings for your eBay auctions. Jim is the master of eBay and these are from the expert.
Now Jim throws in three powerful bonuses.
That concludes the detailed review of the book. It is a keeper and I can tell you that if you are serious about being an online entrepreneur, you need it in your tool chest.
Now, I am going to test how many of you read to this point. Jim has authorized me to give away two copies of the new book “The Part Time Plan for Massive Success Using eBay and the Internet”. I will email the first two readers who send an email to john@boomer-ezine.com with a subject line that says, “Please send me my copy of Jim’s new book”. Do it now and get the free copy. For those who are not first and second, see the following which was sent to you earlier for information on how to get the book.
I checked this morning and Jim has kept the offer open to get the new book free if you buy his “Silent Sales Machine” book. Jump on it now. You will need both of these books to really succeed on eBay. If you have any problem getting the book, send me an email at john@boomer-ezine.com.
To purchase Jim’s book “The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay” for the low price of $29.97, go to the following URL http://jvwh1.silentsale.hop.clickbank.net.
You will land on the page to sign up for Jim’s weekly newsletter. Go to the sales page by clicking the link “Click here to see if you need Jim’s book”. You can sign up for this valuable newsletter after you buy the book.
When you get to the sales site, you can skip all the hype on the sales page by hitting the End key on your computer. This will take you to the bottom of the page. Scroll up a little and you can enter your credit card information and buy the book. Once you have downloaded the book, find the link to Jim’s Resource page. On my copy of Silent Sales Machine, it is on the bottom of the table of contents page. Click on that link and you will be taken to the Resource page where you will receive instructions on how to download the new book.
This is included so it will be posted in HTML format on the Boomer eZine website and the Boomer Blog.
Volume 1 Issue 23 9-14-06
Editors Note: This issue of the Boomer eZine is being published in email text format only. It is not being published simultaneously on the blog or on the website since it is being published remotely due to the urgency of the information in it. It will be published on the blog and website next week.
September 14, 2006, New Braunfels, TX
Well, I lied! But I didn’t intend to. I said that there would not be an issue this week, but I am so excited about a newsletter that I read while here on vacation that I must write you about it.
Why are we so excited? Jim Cockrum has released his latest book “The Part Time Plan for Massive Success Using eBay and the Internet”. It contains exactly what an online entrepreneur needs to know. I discovered it was released when I was online on vacation (I am still on vacation while I am publishing this). I down loaded the ebook and read it three times.
It is like WOW, EUREKA, BREAKTHROUGH, REVELATION! This speaks directly to us online entrepreneurs. It is exactly what most of are looking for.
You have heard me talk about Jim before. His book, “The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay” (“SSM”) is the best selling eBay book of all time on the Internet. When I checked Click Bank stats this morning, Jim’s book was fourth in sales in the Business to Business category.
Jim’s new book focuses on just what Boomer eZine has published in several of the past issues. Jim writes about being an infopreneur, which is one of the themes that we like so well.
This is exactly what we are recommending for our readers. Jim goes into great detail and explains how to use eBay to sell and promote your products.
The great news is that you can get this new book free if you have purchased his SSM book. By itself SSM is a great education on how to use eBay for more than just auctions, but by getting the new book free for buying the old book it is a real steal.
If you already own Jim’s SSM book, open it up and find the link to his resource page. Follow that link for instructions on how to download the new book.
Jim said that September 13 was the deadline for getting “The Part Time Plan for Massive Success Using eBay and the Internet” free if you owned the “Silent Sales Machine”. I checked this morning (9/14) and the page is still up on Jim’s resource page that lets you download the new book if you have purchased the “Silent Sales Machine”. If you move quickly you can still get it.
If you do not yet own the Silent Sales Machine book, BUY IT NOW while you can get the new book as a bonus.
I have told you that Boomer eZine is long on information and short on sales pitches. I hope from reading what we have published for you that you have found this to be true. When we make a recommendation, it is made to further your education to becoming a great online entrepreneur. The information in these two books will take you a long way toward making money on the Internet.
To purchase Jim’s book “The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay” for a low price of $29.97, go to the following URL http://jvwh1.silentsale.hop.clickbank.net/. When you get to the sales site, you can skip all the hype on the sales page by hitting the End key on your computer. This will take you to the bottom of the page. Scroll up a little and you can enter your credit card information and buy the book. Once you have downloaded the book, find the link to Jim’s Resource page. On my copy of SSM, it is on the bottom of the table of contents page. Click on that link and you will be taken to the Resource page where you will receive instructions on how to download the new book.
You have heard of the old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink”. We have led you to the “water”. It is up to you to take the proverbial “drink”.
Linda and I will be back home tomorrow from vacation. It has been and still is a great one. BTW, Linda is not overly happy about publishing this issue since she is concerned about my welfare and wants me to really have a vacation. However, she is helping me edit this since she agrees that it is an important and time sensitive issue.
His latest book contains exactly what boomer entrepreneurs need to know about making money on the Internet.
That wraps up our issue for this week. Until next week, stay tuned.
John and Linda Howe
Boomer Marketplace
Boomer eZine Blog
eBay Boomer Retirement Store
Boomer’s Amazon Store
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Copyright 2006 John Howe, Inc.
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