Volume 1 Issue 45 2-16-07
For those who would like to read this in HTML format, this issue of Boomer eZine is posted on the Boomer eZine website at http://www.boomer-ezine.com/V1I45_021607.htm and on the Boomer eZine Blog at http://boomer-ezine.blogspot.com.
Please pass Boomer Video eZine on to a friend. They will thank you for it.
Table of Contents for this issue.....
1. Authors Comments
2. Q & A, Suggestions and Comments
3. Review of Chris Chandler’s “Google Cash” - Third Edition
4. Price Index for Keywords on the Internet
Author's Comments
Well, this week I am in sunny California for the week at a trade show so I am working in my hotel room to prepare the eZine.
This week’s issue will focus on affiliates.
I just finished reading the update (Third Edition) of Chris Chandler’s ebook, “Google Cash”, and he really put a lot into the update. I first purchased the book in 2005 and read it several times. From this education, I jumped into PPC affiliate programs and found that the book did a good job of educating me for competing as a affiliate using the Google Adwords PPC program.
Q & A, Suggestions and Comments
In last week’s issue, we changed the style of the Ezine based on what we learned from “Make Your Words Sell”. We are considering changing the organization of the eZine.
We need your feedback so we can design the eZine to please you, our readers.
Please complete the following short survey at
John took the survey and it took 20 seconds to complete so please give us your time and complete it.
The survey asks three multiple choice questions.
Your answers will help us plan the future of our weekly online magazine.
The survey is located at http://tinyurl.com/2eez4k
Many thanks in advance for completing the survey.
If you have anything for this section or you have a suggestion for a topic for an article, please go to http://www.boomer-ezine.com/Suggestion_Form1.htm and give us your input. With your input, we can improve the Boomer Video eZine.
Review of Chris Chandler’s “Google Cash” Third Edition
“Google Cash” was first published in 2003. Chris has constantly updated it and kept it current with Google policy and with trends in the industry.
Free Lifetime Updates
One of the advantages of buying Chris’ book (other than solid information) is that he provides free perpetual lifetime updates and does not come back and make you pay for revisions.
He sends the updated book free to anyone who purchased a previous revision or edition of the book from him. I just recently received his Third Edition via email.
The Definitive eBook about Google Adwords
I read a lot about Google during my early education on the Internet, affiliate marketing, and pay per click (PPC) advertising.
When I first read “Google Cash” in 2005 I realized it was the definitive ebook about using Google Adwords pay per click advertising program.
The book gave all the instructions and examples to help:
• Register as an advertiser on the Google Adwords site.
• Do the research to find niche markets in which to advertise.
• Take the steps to set up a PPC campaign.
• Evaluate the profitability of the campaign.
• Monitor the campaigns.
When I received the email from Chris announcing the release of the Third Edition, I immediately downloaded it. I read it and compared it to the 2005 edition during the three-hour flight from Houston to California.
Review of “Google Cash - Third Edition”
The basics for conducting a campaign have not changed. The examples early in the book are the same in both editions. His example for his Autotrader campaign, his eBay Germany campaign, and his mortgage site campaign are the same. He uses these well to show the mechanics of determining a niche market and setting up a campaign.
I have always felt that most authors show their most spectacular results, and I think Chris is no exception. His first two examples are impressive. In copywriting you shoot your biggest guns first and don’t hold back.
How to Become an Affiliate
The book then takes you through the steps of signing up for Clickbank and Commission Junction. Third Edition has two videos of six minutes each to show you how to sign up for Clickbank and Commission Junction.
The e-report “Adwords Chump to Champ” by Chris’ partner, Jeremy Wilson, is still included as a bonus with the Third Edition. This might also be titled “Confessions of an Adwords Newbie”. It is a classic confession by Jeremy about his first Adwords campaign and how he failed miserably at it. The good news is he learned from his expensive mistakes and went on to be one of the top Adwords PPC affiliates.
Keyword Research
Chris has updated some of the tools that he recommends for keyword research. Overture has now become Yahoo Search Marketing and he has dropped some old tools and added new ones.
The same excellent videos still explain how to do effective keyword research.
Ad Writing (Copywriting)
The section about writing ads has been expanded by seven pages. In my opinion, this section was weak in the previous editions. I am glad to see it improved.
Sidebar: The improvements incorporate many of the techniques that are taught in the “Make Your Words Sell” ebook that was discussed in V1 I44 last week.
Tracking Profitability
The tracking Excel spreadsheet that previously was only offered to members of the AdwordsMentor.com membership site is now available as part of the purchase of the Third Edition. This helps track the profitability of your campaigns.
A very detailed section on “Advanced Tracking” has been added along with three help videos.
Suggested Concepts for You to Try
The “Concepts You Can Try on Your Own” section is now “Two Concepts You Can Try on Your Own” and it contains eight additional pages of helpful information about ideas for setting up campaigns. The whole section has been rewritten to give you a step by step guide to get started.
Bonus Section Expanded
In the bonus section, (all ebooks have bonuses!), the 2005 addition has only the Perry Marshall “How to Profit from Google Adwords” PDF and audio files. The Third Edition Appendix A contains this resource for starters along with all the following items:
Appendix B contains a Quick Action Guide flow chart that shows how to set up and evaluate a campaign. Chris created this at the request of many of his readers.
Appendix C explains Google’s rules regarding affiliate links. Google is constantly upgrading the users search experience and if you are working in the PPC arena, being current on the Google rules means survival.
This appendix also explains how to work within these rules so Google does not “slap” you.
And that leads us into Appendix D entitled “The Google Slap”. Google updated its policies in July 2006 and November 2006. These have become known as Google Slap and Google Slap 2. This appendix goes on to explain what they are and what caused them.
Appendix E covers how to avoid being slapped by Google and if you are slapped, how to reverse it.
Appendix F is an outline of the e-report “Adwords Rumors Crushed” by Jeremy Wilson. This report can be downloaded free with the purchase of the “Google Cash – Third Edition”.
I read this on the flight back from the West Coast on Friday. It is a revealing piece of work. If you read “Google Cash” this report takes you to the next level.
I think that the title is for shock value since it is really a rambling response to the fifteen top questions that the readers of “Google Cash” have asked Chris or Jeremy. This report really boils down the key points of how to compete in PPC advertising. It is available on audio also.
Appendix G is an outline of “Landing Page Brain Dump” by Jeremy Wilson. In this report, Jeremy answers 49 questions about landing pages that were submitted by “Google Cash” readers. He covers all aspects about creating and maintaining landing pages. He talks about the types of landing pages and the pros and cons of the various types.
I appreciated that Jeremy confesses that he does not know about “squeeze pages” and does not try to present himself as an expert on the subject.
I also read this on the way back from the West Coast and it is a “must know” to be effective in the PPC arena. The download is included as a bonus with the “Google Cash – Third Edition”. It also comes in audio format.
Appendix H covers “Additional Resources, Readings, and eCourses.
Appendix I covers “Hosting, Blogging, and Web Building Resources.
Appendix J covers “Keyword Research and Blogging Tools”.
Daddy, Are We There Yet?
Whew! That took some work to read and compare these two books. The 2005 edition is 135 pages long. The Third Edition is 201 pages long so you can see that a substantial amount of content has been added to the Third Edition.
I hope you can see that purchasing this ebook is an investment in your continuing education for the Internet. Since Chris constantly updates his material and since you get the updates free when they are released, you only pay once and Chris keeps you current.
If you do not already own “Google Cash”, I recommend that you purchase this book for $67.00 if you have any desire to enter the PPC – affiliate business. To me, this is the best business model on the Internet.
• You can do it on your own schedule.
• Once you set up a good campaign, it is on autopilot. (You need to monitor it and update it periodically).
• You have no customer service contact problems.
• It works for you 24/7.
Click this link for more information. If you like what you read about “Google Cash – Third Edition”, you can purchase it for $67.00 at the end of the sales page.
Click here ---> http://tinyurl.com/246uvv
This is not a get rich quick promotion. It describes a way to establish a legitimate business on the Internet.
I am sure that you will agree with me that this is a real value for all the information that it provides.
Price Index for Keywords on the Internet
Since pay per click advertising is part of the affiliate business model, the trends in the price for keyword advertising is a major consideration for the profitability of the model.
Fathom Online publishes a Keyword Price Index, which can be used to track the trends in the cost for bidding on keywords on the major search engines. This can be handy if you are using pay per click (PPC) advertising and want to see the trend in the overall market price for PPC advertising. Read more about the index at www.fathomonline.com.
The definition of the Keyword Price Index as quoted from the Fathom Online site follows:
“About The Keyword Price Index®
The Keyword Price Index is a weighted average of more than 20,000 active keyword prices across all major search engines covering a broad range of industries, including automotive, computing, consumer services, electronics, finance, healthcare, media, entertainment, retail, telecom, and travel. The Keyword Price Index® is designed to be a representative sample of keyword prices. Actual market prices for keywords often vary widely and depend on demand, competitive bidding and other market factors. The Keyword Price Index® should not be used to make financial projections or be considered a proxy for the financial state of the Search Marketing industry.”
The article published 2/6/2007 on the Fathom Online site stated:
“After rising sharply in the third quarter, the average keyword price paid by online advertisers rose just 2% percent in the fourth quarter of 2006 to $1.51, according to the Keyword Price Index® from Fathom Online, a leading provider of Search Marketing and technology services to the Fortune 1000.
The 2% increase in the fourth quarter followed a 16.5% jump in the third quarter of 2006, when prices climbed to $1.48. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, keyword prices were up 4% from $1.45. In the second quarter of 2006, the average keyword price was $1.27, down from $1.39 in the first quarter of 2006.”
(See the entire article at http://www.fathomonline.com/020607.html)
The Keyword Price Index can be used to compare trends in the pricing for your PPC advertising. If PPC is a part of your business model, bookmark this site for future comparisons.
That wraps up our issue for this week. Until next week, stay tuned.
John and Linda Howe
eBay Boomer Retirement Store
Boomer’s Amazon Store
Administrative Details ………
If you are changing email addresses in the future, put a note on your calendar to send us a blank email after you have changed your address. Send the blank email to: boomerezine001@aweber.com. We want to remain in contact with you!
It is OK to go ahead and join our subscriber list with more than one email address. You never know when an email will be blocked by those tough SPAM filters. They are getting tighter and tighter and are blocking many legitimate emails.
If a friend sent you this newsletter and you would like to receive your own issue next time, send a blank email to boomerezine001@aweber.com and we will send you your own copy on the next issue.
Copyright 2007 John Howe, Inc.
Please pass Boomer Video eZine on to a friend. They will thank you for it.
Table of Contents for this issue.....
1. Authors Comments
2. Q & A, Suggestions and Comments
3. Review of Chris Chandler’s “Google Cash” - Third Edition
4. Price Index for Keywords on the Internet
Author's Comments
Well, this week I am in sunny California for the week at a trade show so I am working in my hotel room to prepare the eZine.
This week’s issue will focus on affiliates.
I just finished reading the update (Third Edition) of Chris Chandler’s ebook, “Google Cash”, and he really put a lot into the update. I first purchased the book in 2005 and read it several times. From this education, I jumped into PPC affiliate programs and found that the book did a good job of educating me for competing as a affiliate using the Google Adwords PPC program.
Q & A, Suggestions and Comments
In last week’s issue, we changed the style of the Ezine based on what we learned from “Make Your Words Sell”. We are considering changing the organization of the eZine.
We need your feedback so we can design the eZine to please you, our readers.
Please complete the following short survey at
John took the survey and it took 20 seconds to complete so please give us your time and complete it.
The survey asks three multiple choice questions.
Your answers will help us plan the future of our weekly online magazine.
The survey is located at http://tinyurl.com/2eez4k
Many thanks in advance for completing the survey.
If you have anything for this section or you have a suggestion for a topic for an article, please go to http://www.boomer-ezine.com/Suggestion_Form1.htm and give us your input. With your input, we can improve the Boomer Video eZine.
Review of Chris Chandler’s “Google Cash” Third Edition
“Google Cash” was first published in 2003. Chris has constantly updated it and kept it current with Google policy and with trends in the industry.
Free Lifetime Updates
One of the advantages of buying Chris’ book (other than solid information) is that he provides free perpetual lifetime updates and does not come back and make you pay for revisions.
He sends the updated book free to anyone who purchased a previous revision or edition of the book from him. I just recently received his Third Edition via email.
The Definitive eBook about Google Adwords
I read a lot about Google during my early education on the Internet, affiliate marketing, and pay per click (PPC) advertising.
When I first read “Google Cash” in 2005 I realized it was the definitive ebook about using Google Adwords pay per click advertising program.
The book gave all the instructions and examples to help:
• Register as an advertiser on the Google Adwords site.
• Do the research to find niche markets in which to advertise.
• Take the steps to set up a PPC campaign.
• Evaluate the profitability of the campaign.
• Monitor the campaigns.
When I received the email from Chris announcing the release of the Third Edition, I immediately downloaded it. I read it and compared it to the 2005 edition during the three-hour flight from Houston to California.
Review of “Google Cash - Third Edition”
The basics for conducting a campaign have not changed. The examples early in the book are the same in both editions. His example for his Autotrader campaign, his eBay Germany campaign, and his mortgage site campaign are the same. He uses these well to show the mechanics of determining a niche market and setting up a campaign.
I have always felt that most authors show their most spectacular results, and I think Chris is no exception. His first two examples are impressive. In copywriting you shoot your biggest guns first and don’t hold back.
How to Become an Affiliate
The book then takes you through the steps of signing up for Clickbank and Commission Junction. Third Edition has two videos of six minutes each to show you how to sign up for Clickbank and Commission Junction.
The e-report “Adwords Chump to Champ” by Chris’ partner, Jeremy Wilson, is still included as a bonus with the Third Edition. This might also be titled “Confessions of an Adwords Newbie”. It is a classic confession by Jeremy about his first Adwords campaign and how he failed miserably at it. The good news is he learned from his expensive mistakes and went on to be one of the top Adwords PPC affiliates.
Keyword Research
Chris has updated some of the tools that he recommends for keyword research. Overture has now become Yahoo Search Marketing and he has dropped some old tools and added new ones.
The same excellent videos still explain how to do effective keyword research.
Ad Writing (Copywriting)
The section about writing ads has been expanded by seven pages. In my opinion, this section was weak in the previous editions. I am glad to see it improved.
Sidebar: The improvements incorporate many of the techniques that are taught in the “Make Your Words Sell” ebook that was discussed in V1 I44 last week.
Tracking Profitability
The tracking Excel spreadsheet that previously was only offered to members of the AdwordsMentor.com membership site is now available as part of the purchase of the Third Edition. This helps track the profitability of your campaigns.
A very detailed section on “Advanced Tracking” has been added along with three help videos.
Suggested Concepts for You to Try
The “Concepts You Can Try on Your Own” section is now “Two Concepts You Can Try on Your Own” and it contains eight additional pages of helpful information about ideas for setting up campaigns. The whole section has been rewritten to give you a step by step guide to get started.
Bonus Section Expanded
In the bonus section, (all ebooks have bonuses!), the 2005 addition has only the Perry Marshall “How to Profit from Google Adwords” PDF and audio files. The Third Edition Appendix A contains this resource for starters along with all the following items:
Appendix B contains a Quick Action Guide flow chart that shows how to set up and evaluate a campaign. Chris created this at the request of many of his readers.
Appendix C explains Google’s rules regarding affiliate links. Google is constantly upgrading the users search experience and if you are working in the PPC arena, being current on the Google rules means survival.
This appendix also explains how to work within these rules so Google does not “slap” you.
And that leads us into Appendix D entitled “The Google Slap”. Google updated its policies in July 2006 and November 2006. These have become known as Google Slap and Google Slap 2. This appendix goes on to explain what they are and what caused them.
Appendix E covers how to avoid being slapped by Google and if you are slapped, how to reverse it.
Appendix F is an outline of the e-report “Adwords Rumors Crushed” by Jeremy Wilson. This report can be downloaded free with the purchase of the “Google Cash – Third Edition”.
I read this on the flight back from the West Coast on Friday. It is a revealing piece of work. If you read “Google Cash” this report takes you to the next level.
I think that the title is for shock value since it is really a rambling response to the fifteen top questions that the readers of “Google Cash” have asked Chris or Jeremy. This report really boils down the key points of how to compete in PPC advertising. It is available on audio also.
Appendix G is an outline of “Landing Page Brain Dump” by Jeremy Wilson. In this report, Jeremy answers 49 questions about landing pages that were submitted by “Google Cash” readers. He covers all aspects about creating and maintaining landing pages. He talks about the types of landing pages and the pros and cons of the various types.
I appreciated that Jeremy confesses that he does not know about “squeeze pages” and does not try to present himself as an expert on the subject.
I also read this on the way back from the West Coast and it is a “must know” to be effective in the PPC arena. The download is included as a bonus with the “Google Cash – Third Edition”. It also comes in audio format.
Appendix H covers “Additional Resources, Readings, and eCourses.
Appendix I covers “Hosting, Blogging, and Web Building Resources.
Appendix J covers “Keyword Research and Blogging Tools”.
Daddy, Are We There Yet?
Whew! That took some work to read and compare these two books. The 2005 edition is 135 pages long. The Third Edition is 201 pages long so you can see that a substantial amount of content has been added to the Third Edition.
I hope you can see that purchasing this ebook is an investment in your continuing education for the Internet. Since Chris constantly updates his material and since you get the updates free when they are released, you only pay once and Chris keeps you current.
If you do not already own “Google Cash”, I recommend that you purchase this book for $67.00 if you have any desire to enter the PPC – affiliate business. To me, this is the best business model on the Internet.
• You can do it on your own schedule.
• Once you set up a good campaign, it is on autopilot. (You need to monitor it and update it periodically).
• You have no customer service contact problems.
• It works for you 24/7.
Click this link for more information. If you like what you read about “Google Cash – Third Edition”, you can purchase it for $67.00 at the end of the sales page.
Click here ---> http://tinyurl.com/246uvv
This is not a get rich quick promotion. It describes a way to establish a legitimate business on the Internet.
I am sure that you will agree with me that this is a real value for all the information that it provides.
Price Index for Keywords on the Internet
Since pay per click advertising is part of the affiliate business model, the trends in the price for keyword advertising is a major consideration for the profitability of the model.
Fathom Online publishes a Keyword Price Index, which can be used to track the trends in the cost for bidding on keywords on the major search engines. This can be handy if you are using pay per click (PPC) advertising and want to see the trend in the overall market price for PPC advertising. Read more about the index at www.fathomonline.com.
The definition of the Keyword Price Index as quoted from the Fathom Online site follows:
“About The Keyword Price Index®
The Keyword Price Index is a weighted average of more than 20,000 active keyword prices across all major search engines covering a broad range of industries, including automotive, computing, consumer services, electronics, finance, healthcare, media, entertainment, retail, telecom, and travel. The Keyword Price Index® is designed to be a representative sample of keyword prices. Actual market prices for keywords often vary widely and depend on demand, competitive bidding and other market factors. The Keyword Price Index® should not be used to make financial projections or be considered a proxy for the financial state of the Search Marketing industry.”
The article published 2/6/2007 on the Fathom Online site stated:
“After rising sharply in the third quarter, the average keyword price paid by online advertisers rose just 2% percent in the fourth quarter of 2006 to $1.51, according to the Keyword Price Index® from Fathom Online, a leading provider of Search Marketing and technology services to the Fortune 1000.
The 2% increase in the fourth quarter followed a 16.5% jump in the third quarter of 2006, when prices climbed to $1.48. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, keyword prices were up 4% from $1.45. In the second quarter of 2006, the average keyword price was $1.27, down from $1.39 in the first quarter of 2006.”
(See the entire article at http://www.fathomonline.com/020607.html)
The Keyword Price Index can be used to compare trends in the pricing for your PPC advertising. If PPC is a part of your business model, bookmark this site for future comparisons.
That wraps up our issue for this week. Until next week, stay tuned.
John and Linda Howe
eBay Boomer Retirement Store
Boomer’s Amazon Store
Administrative Details ………
If you are changing email addresses in the future, put a note on your calendar to send us a blank email after you have changed your address. Send the blank email to: boomerezine001@aweber.com. We want to remain in contact with you!
It is OK to go ahead and join our subscriber list with more than one email address. You never know when an email will be blocked by those tough SPAM filters. They are getting tighter and tighter and are blocking many legitimate emails.
If a friend sent you this newsletter and you would like to receive your own issue next time, send a blank email to boomerezine001@aweber.com and we will send you your own copy on the next issue.
Copyright 2007 John Howe, Inc.
Labels: Adwords, google cash, keyword price index, PPC
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